Graham Lyle Ross
Graham Lyle Ross
If you have the misfortune or courage to burn your bridges, what comes next is always going to be exciting.
If you have the misfortune or courage to burn your bridges, what comes next is always going to be exciting.
I live in South East Asia where "up to you" and "no one will tell you to stop" are the rules in effect.
I have never been afraid of change and have jumped in where angels fear to tread many times. By a mixture of good management, dumb luck, and positive attitude, I am still here, prospering in a paradise most people yearn for but never make the leap of faith in themself to have a go at making a reality in their own lives.
Scroll to the bottom for the "why" info
This site is intended to store stories of experiences through generations of time that have value with the lessons learned that formed my life and are very relevant to people searching for a way to view their world today.
The purpose of this eponymously named website is so that there will finally be a definitive home to gather into an online memoir what has previously become so scattered and incomprehensible.
Of course, I retain all intellectual property rights for all the original content here. You may quote from it elsewhere as much as you please, and I only ask that you do me the courtesy of putting a credit to this site when you do so. Thank you!
A lot of years ago, I had my original blog site on Wordpress, still viewable now, with many stories. Some of these experiences will be rewritten and posted here at the GLR home site.
I have written a collection of many stories, all true, all interesting snapshots with a glimpes into past living and experience in Australia through the decades. It turned into 200 pages that have no on line home... until now.
I have compiled into photo essays over 1100 photos and posted all onto Flickr. All of these are within Thailand showing places and people not available to the average tourist. Link at the image, enjoy.
Currently there are over 100 videos on my Youtube channel. Most recent ones are about e-biking and the great places you can appreciate so much more if travelling by e-bike.
There are also videos from my other interest of building and flying quadcopters, drones, and RC model planes. Lots there and updated frequently. Enjoy.
Send me an email, I will reply.
I love to hear from anyone visiting my site and have a question or suggestion for the content and how to improve. Perhaps you have similar experiences? Put an essay together with pics, and I will be happy to include in a "Submissions" section.
My attitude to social media and motivation for my own website.
NO THANK YOU, SOCIAL MEDIA. I am not big on Social Media, there always seems to be yet another chat, pic share, tweet, messenger, do-dad for do dis and do dat. I am not interested in opening myself up for ever more channels so they have more conduits to me directly for their purpose of force feeding me with their advertising in their quest to maximize profits. My beneficial user experience doesn't rate a mention in planning for how they exploit these platforms. If I patiently work to get past the advertisements, I am then inundated with people demanding that I like, subscribe, join, follow and listen to every bit of their time wasting nonsense, and then want me to send them free money on patreon for the privelege! I pass on all that.
I GIVE IT ALL TO YOU FOR FREE. This website is my space created so I can have a dedicated, ad free, place to put my essays, viewpoints, observations, poetry, links to my videos and photography, and add in whatever else I find positive, interesting, entertaining, informative, and maybe even uplifting. Anyone who finds some stories, ideas, and wisdom offerings useful may feel free to explore this site all they want without ever being interrupted by advertising.
Go on... look around and enjoy, it's free!
WHY I WON'T PLAY THAT GAME. I have a facebook account so I can access other info that is sometimes useful. Otherwise, just emails, and even that fills up with advertising junk mail. If you are not bothered by the corporations exploiting you via social media for to bloat their profits and you are happy to absorb their endless stream of ads, then go for it and be happy. I choose to step outside that trend and enjoy accessing only the content that is helpful and uplifting without the need to sit through the constant hype of advertising and without being told that before I can receive, I need to enter credit card details.
AM I CYNICAL? HELL, YES! I wasn't always a cynic, but I sure am now. Seems the choice is be cynical or be docile and led to the rich man's slaughter house where your life can be reduced to a number in a demographic with monitored spending habits so they can direct you to the next thing they want you to believe is missing in your life so that you will reach for your credit card yet again and spend your money that maybe you don't have to ensure they maintain profits for their shareholders.
© 2014-2024 Graham Lyle Ross. All rights reserved.