Graham Lyle Ross
Graham Lyle Ross
If you have the misfortune or courage to burn your bridges, what comes next is always going to be exciting.
If you have the misfortune or courage to burn your bridges, what comes next is always going to be exciting.
The Power of Poetry
Writing comes from the mind, and poetry comes from the soul. Read through my small collection of works that inspire, amaze, motivate, challenge your thoughts and give you food for meditation and dreams.
Read more...Moths gathered in afluttering throng one night To learn the truth about the candle's light,...Read more...In a surreal time while I ignored the world, I felt a stare through the smoke that...Read more...Very few men arise in any given millennia who make a mark on the world as profoundly as did Omar...Read more...* Click the image to listen to my recitation of the modern version. TO LIVE, or not to live,...Read more...A meditative fantasy poem on the mysteries of love and life. What is it... this thing we are...Read more...TAMAM SHUD tamám shud, meaning "is over" or "is finished" Alas, that Spring should vanish...Read more...Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As...Read more...'Twas in another lifetime, one of toil and blood When blackness was a virtue the road was full of...Read more...I had written him a letter which I had, for want of better Knowledge, sent to where I met him...
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