This is a collection of essays written following a lifetime of observations, conversations and lectures, lessons learned, experiences both good and bad that are now treasured memories.


    I am very aware that my writing may be viewed as wisdom if others agree, and dismissed as the ramblings of an eccentric old man if they don't. Such judgments are none of my business.


    Either way, my rationale is that if you are participating in life, then nothing is a waste of time. No matter the outcome, you have the memory of the experience and the lesson learned.

    I am often alone – I am never lonely – I, me, and myself - the three of me. And it seems there...
    Have you ever been at a funeral and taken a big mental step back and asked yourself just what is...
    We, using the collective "we" to describe the human species, have been grappling with the basic...
    Obviously this is an AI generated image of a future world, but it really is not that much of a...
    ARE YOU IT? What are you going to do when you realize that you, the individual you, the...
    THE THREE OF ME I was going to write this article in the first person as I have done with most...
    From the time that I was a teenager and starting to look around at the views of the differing...
    INTRODUCTION I have no religious affiliations but certainly have had my religious era, or...
  • The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    I am often alone – I am never lonely – I, me, and myself - the three of me. And it seems there...
    Have you ever been at a funeral and taken a big mental step back and asked yourself just what is...
    We, using the collective "we" to describe the human species, have been grappling with the basic...
    Obviously this is an AI generated image of a future world, but it really is not that much of a...
    ARE YOU IT? What are you going to do when you realize that you, the individual you, the...
    THE THREE OF ME I was going to write this article in the first person as I have done with most...
    From the time that I was a teenager and starting to look around at the views of the differing...
    INTRODUCTION I have no religious affiliations but certainly have had my religious era, or...