Are you waiting?
Are you waiting?
If so, why?
This post is an introduction for the full WAIT or GO post that follows. If you have interest in what makes some people succeed while others in similar circumstances simply never seem to rise to doing anything worthwhile, and are even happy in mediocracy. If mediocracy is not for you and you like a little brain food, move to the next article in this category of Motivational.
There is an old joke that goes “It’s all just mind over matter – if you don’t mind, then it doesn’t matter.” Well, that really is true. If you don’t mind how your life works out, then it doesn’t matter how you live it.
Alice comes to a fork in the road – “Which path should I take?” “Where are you going?” asked the Cheshire Cat. “I don’t know” replied Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter.”
If you decide to wait for things to improve, your mind shuts down on that issue and ceases to function along the lines of finding a solution. You have conditioned your thinking process to the negative inoperative state and have accepted that what happens just happens – it will improve when fate, destiny, lady luck, providence or good fortune out there somewhere decide to take pity on you and smile down to improve your life. We all know people who are waiting.
If you decide to go for it, then you reject the thought process that tells you that you cannot do anything about your situation. You start to ask yourself questions. Your self talk now turns to challenging questions. Try a few of these questions that are designed to kick your brain into gear and get you moving forward:
How can I fix that problem?
What is it that I most want to achieve for my future benefit?
What is the best thing that I can do right now to move toward that goal?
Where can I find someone who can teach me what I need to know about it?
What is the biggest challenge right now and how can I overcome it?
If I am not able to start now, when will there ever be a better time?
Once issued with the challenge, your mind, your incredible brain, kicks into gear and starts to look for ways to help. When you put the challenging question in front of your mind repeatedly you cannot help it but recognize ways to solve whatever the dilemma that you thought you were faced with.
Now time to get started with the full story in WAIT or GO next.