Asking AI about God and Time
Asking AI about God and Time
It is clear that the A in AI is for Artificial, coz it certainly is not
intelligent. Artististic and interesting though?

I asked AI for images of God and Time. It uses no context so the term is wide open for the "intelligence" to make of it whatever it will.
The first graphic I had AI to make for me was what picture would represent ASK ME . So the above is the first, and below is the second image. Interesting concepts from the technlolgy planning a world take over.

Tell me again what the A stands for
I am intrigued that people seem to think that AI is smart, but they forget what the A stands for. Artificial means something is not whatever term follows. Artificial flowers are not flowers, artificial sugar is not sugar, and artificial intelligence is not intelligent.
I present below the Artificial Intelligence pictorial versions of God and Time.

Heaven and Hell



Holy Ghost


Life and Death

Past and Future


The Past

The Epiphany

End of time

The End
Thanks for watching!